Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weiss Ancient Coins Prosecution Scheduled for July

Manhattan criminal courthouse.
Arnold-Peter Weiss's case was scheduled today in Manhattan. New York Criminal Court records show that Dr. Weiss's $200,000 cash bail was continued, and the next court date was set for July 3, 2012.  [JULY 2012 UPDATE: Click here for a description of what happened at the July 3 hearing].

Law enforcement officials charged the Rhode Island hand surgeon in January with Criminal Possession of Stolen Property over $50,000.  They arrested Weiss and seized two ancient Greek coins originating from Italy before the coins were sold at the International Numismatic Convention.  Weiss faces up to a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted of the offense.

Because authorities charged Weiss with a felony crime, his case was to be reviewed by a grand jury.  Weiss, meanwhile, is presumed innocent.

Some possible legal issues to watch for in the case are discussed here.